Outdoor milongas in Budapest


Many of our students were asking where are the outdoor tango nights in Budapest. Here is a short review of all the regular open air milongas.Please always check previously the event on the milonga page, because the event could be cancelled even in the last minutes due to different reasons like weather conditions etc…

Wednesday- National Museum Milonga


On the picture you can see, tango dancing is ideal on the floor of the National Museum Budapest.

nyáron a Nemzeti Múzeum lépcsőjénél vasárnaponként 18:45- 21:45
Helyszín: Budapesti Nemzeti Múzeum lépcsőjénél
Szervező: Tango Factory Budapest

Thursday- Tavirózsa Tango

Outdoor milonga at he board of the City Park Budapest
When: Thursday at 6:30 – 21:00 .
Where: At the board of the lake of the City Park Budapest.
Organizer: Tango Lesson

Thursday – Castle milonga


This milonga might be one of the most beautiful outdoor milonga venue in Europe. It has an amazing view to the Danube, and it is worth to come to see even for not tango dancers.

Date: Thursdays in the Castle, 9pm – 0:00pm
Venue: Buda Castle in front of the Savoy terrace
Organizer: Milonga Jueves Budapest

Heat + Rain is a good combination for tango 🙂


Teaser for the Castle milonga

Friday- Vigadó milonga


Outdoor Milonga at the Danube, around the fountain in front of the Vigadó. Beautiful panorama of the Danube, Buda Castle and Gellert Hill. Bar and bathroom facilities nearby.

Date: summer Fridays at Vigadó square 9:00pm- 1:00am
Venue: Vigadó square 1.
Organizer: Milonga Sin Palabras

This is how people dance at Vigadó Square:

Sunday- Halle of Art (or Palace of Art) milonga


Open air milonga on Hero’s square.
Breathtaking location, nice tango music, friendly people and fresh lemonade wait for you.

Date: Halle of Art Sundays 8:15pm- 11:30pm
Venue: Vigadó square 1.
Organizer: Tango Factory Budapest

This is how people are dancing at Halle of Art milonga:

This is how people were dancing in 2009!

Sunday- Milonga y Nada Mas – Milonga above the Castle Tunnel

Outdoor milonga above the Castle Tunnel

Date: On Sundays above the Budapest Castle Tunnel at the Terrace 5:00pm- 8:00pm
Venue: Above the Castle Tunnel, check the google maps.
Organizer: Tango Lecke

Useful informations – tips for outdoor milongas

  1. Please always (!) have drink with you. The most important is the water. Depending on the location the might have bar, catering service. In case not, feel free to bring you owns.
  2. . Depending on the weather in case of cold bring extra clothes with you.
  3. Most of the outdoor milongas have challanging “dance floors”. Do not bring your best quality tango shoes. You might want to use dance socks with your regular shoes.
  4. Try to “solve” previously the bathroom issues. The toilets can be far from the milnga.

Have amazing dances and embraces on the milonga! For the latest information for milongas, outdoor milongas is here.

All the regular outdoor milongas together: